What if I release the fear of not being heard, and of being heard
What if I release the fear of not being seen, and of being seen
What if I release the fear of not being loved, and of being loved
What if I release the fear of being ridiculed, and of being shamed
What if I release the anger, the frustration, the sadness, the grief
What if I release the lack of clients, the lack of money, the lack of something
What if I release the fear of not being in control, and of being in control
What if I release the fear of aloneness
What if I release the fear of death
What if I sing the song of joy
What if I be present, in each moment of every day
What if I find joy in each moment, of every day
What if I am happy
What if I am loved
What if I love
What if I have my dream job, with my dream boss
What if I have my dream love
What if my children are happy and healthy
What if I have my dream house
What if I go to all the places I dream of
What if I invest in my self, my health, my being
What if I am my very best version of myself
What if everyone hears me, sees me
What if I inspire others to be the very best version of themselves
Well, then…
I won’t be able to stay in the status quo
I won’t have anything to complain about or gossip about
I may not have much in common with my family or friends
I may have only what I need
I may be lonely
I may be alone
I may be alive
I will be OK with being courageous
I will be OK with being alone, yet not lonely
I will be OK with exploring who and why I am
I will be OK with being in my truth
I will be OK with finding the extraordinary
I will be OK with being happy
I will be OK with being love
I will OK with being my truth
I will be OK with being me
I will sing my song of joy
Inspire Epic Change