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Sunset at the San Andreas Fault, 2020

It is finally here…the last month of 2020. For some, December has a freshness to it. For others, it may feel heavy and burdensome. I’ll explain this further down in the newsletter, and include a snapshot of the cosmic crescendo occurring in December.

But, first…I am back in the US for a short while. I spent Thanksgiving in the beautifully odd world of Palm Springs where I grounded in the San Andreas Fault, flowed with the waters of Indian Canyon, soaked in the hot springs of the desert, and expanded in Joshua Tree National Park.

Bucket list ✅

I finish my US trip in Miami to rewrite my Christmas & birthday story before returning to Mérida, Mexico in early January.

I am adept at traveling during a pandemic. On the surface, I am cognizant of timing, safety, and judgment. Underneath, I have learned to trust myself, inclusive of my higher self and my guides. I am never misguided. I trusted my gut and said YES to a tenderhearted invitation. It is difficult to find words that adequately explain how Palm Springs impacted me. I spent my time with both hands on the ground or sitting still and receiving the whispers and touches of ancient wisdom held by the desert. My happy place.

Traveling during COVID-19 is intense so I rely on a couple of my fundamental values: respect for individual space and no need to discipline those who seem to flout the rules. These fundamentals blend into everyday life, especially as we end an exhaustive year and enter a second lockdown.

Although these fundamentals may seem obvious, enforcing them tends to result in someone feeling a victim or feeling a martyr. This has been the predominant energy of 2020 fueling the polarization experienced in the US and throughout the world. It manifests as a lack of patience to hear and understand a different perspective.

This energy does not call for discipline. It calls for space. Space is created when we stop. When we breathe and go within to ask “Why do I feel uncomfortable? What is this feeling?”

The root of this energy is unhealed trauma that is bursting through for acknowledgment, releasing, healing, and completing. That discomfort, the lack of clear direction is the Higher Self putting very clear signs in front of us to stop and heal. The kind of signs we don’t want to see because they mean we have to look at ourselves and the way we are seeking, speaking and behaving.

Am I fixated on the worst-case scenario or the best-case scenario?

Where is my energy going?

In line with this infamous year, December is loaded from a cosmic perspective. The energy is ripe to release, heal, and complete our past and the triggers that are holding us back from being the fullest version of our true selves — trauma. The Cosmos is cheerleading our healing, on standby to help ease us through:

(These dates are subject to slight change based on location/timezone).

Dec 10 Pluto squares Eris + Human Rights Day

Dec 14 Solar eclipse + new moon

Dec 16 Saturn moves out of Capricorn into Aquarius

Dec 19 Jupiter moves out of Capricorn into Aquarius

Dec 21 Winter solstice, Jupiter conjunct Saturn

Dec 23 Mars squares Pluto

Dec 29 Full moon

Jan 20 Inauguration Day (with its own auspicious astrology)

The purpose of life is to know thy Self. In knowing thy Self, we heal our trauma and the collective trauma. When we get to a place of knowing thy Self and having confidence in that knowing then, in sharing our experiences, we can help others. Resonation is key — each experience will resonate with those who can hear it and be helped by it.

“To thine own self be true”

— William Shakespeare’s Hamlet —


I am deeply committed to doing what I can to help during these fearful months. I continue offering my services on a donation basis, to encourage you and others to ask for and receive help.

When our collective vibe is high, love wins.

My expanded multi-dimensional vision allows me to see an energetic map of possibilities, an overview of your potential life paths. This includes in depth assistance in healing your past, and informing your choices. I invite you to call or email me.

You are not alone. Help is here.


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